All systems are operational

Past Incidents

13th September 2024

Payments MobilePay Online via QuickPay

QuickPay is experiencing a delay issue on payments with MobilePay Online

They are currently experiencing a delay issue with some MobilePay payments, which causes an error to appear from MobilePay. This might cause customers to retry a new order, even though the payment might actually have gone through the first time. They have identified the issue and are working on a solution.

Merchants using pensopay v2 payments are not affected.

  • We recently received an update from QuickPay regarding MobilePay:

    So far, all systems on Quickpay's side are operating as expected. We are actively collaborating with MobilePay to identify and resolve the issue. However, we want to reassure our merchants and partners that authorizations are functioning correctly.

  • 12th September 2024

    Payments Payment processing issues

    Clearhaus has confirmed performance issues, and are aware of a connectivity issue.

    Currently almost all authorizations, voids and Mastercard credits are impacted.

  • Clearhaus is now reporting. that there are no more issues and are monitoring the transaction flow.

    Today a third party service provider, who processes transactions between Clearhaus and Visa/MasterCard, has been experiencing outage. This resulted in a highly elevated error rate on authorizations.

    The issue started around 6:45 this morning, and lated until approximately 13:45.

    Since 13:45 transactions have processed as expected.

    We will keep monitoring this throughout the day.

    We are extremely sorry for all the inconvenience this may have coursed you.

    Customers who have tried to purchase something in the affected time frame may experience reservations on their debit card. 
We will look into this. 

  • Unfortunately, we still see very high failure rates on authorizations.

    Clearhaus's upstream provider is still trying to mitigate this critical incident.

    We are seeing examples where amounts are being reserved on cardholders' accounts despite the authorization failing.

    Therefore we recommend that subsequent-in-series recurring and unscheduled (e.g. subscriptions) are not attempted until after this incident is resolved. Furthermore, we are exploring options to potentially release these reservations.

  • Clearhaus have attempted mitigating actions but unfortunately with very limited impact. They are still observing very low approval rates that fluctuates approximately from 0 % to 15 %.

    Clearhaus' upstream provider is trying to resolve the connectivity issue.

  • 11th September 2024

    No incidents reported

    10th September 2024

    No incidents reported

    9th September 2024

    No incidents reported

    8th September 2024

    No incidents reported

    7th September 2024

    No incidents reported